Saturday, April 05, 2008

One Hundred Years
Pine Hill, NJ

Our neighbor Joe had this big oak tree out front of his house. He had told my husband that he wanted to bring it down but never got around to it before he died last year. His family decided that it needed to come down and so it did. As it layed on the ground waiting to be picked over by those in need of firewood, I went outside and began photographing it. This piece once I had scanned it into the computer reminded me of a clock. The years it took to grow are in the rings. One hundred years to grow and only 1 day to die.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The King of Bourbon Street
Pine Hill, NJ
The King of Bourbon Street and his entourage traveling down in colorful costumes making his presence known to all the revelers. There are other images made in this series. I decided to use these three, The King of Bourbon Street, Mardi Gras and Parade Dancer, to represent my vision of Mardi Gras.

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Parade Dancer
Pine Hill, NJ

When I started working on the bark abstracts I noticed that several reminded me of dancers at Mardi Gras. I saved those images to display for this week. This is number 2 in the series Mardi Gras. A masked reveler dancing in the night in New Orleans. Each tree bark of the series was photographed here on our property in Pine Hill, NJ.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Pine Hill, NJ
This week is Mardi Gras. Bill and I have never been there. But while I was working on my bark abstract series I would every once in awhile find an image that looked like it belonged walking down a New Orleans street strutting to the sound of Dixieland. This is one of the first images. Over the next several days I will add some more.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

The Blind Story Teller
Pine Hill, NJ

This abstract image taken from the bark of one of our dogwood trees. I know that I'm getting away from the city and landscapes that I've taken in the past. But I am more and more drawn to these images.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Pine Barrens, NJ

New Year and I am starting the blog with a picture of the sand and lots of it in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. We will sometimes walk for hours trying to find just the right image to take. This was taken near the Batona Trail.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Dam Overflow
New Brooklyn Lake
Winslow Township, NJ

Bill's photo of New Brooklyn Lake was taken in September of 1982. If you were to stop today there would be hardly any change.

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