Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Man Alone
Vineland, NJ

We were on a trip to Vineland, NJ to see their beautiful azalea gardens. I past a tulip tree and photographed its bark in the hopes that if someone needed this image we'd have it in stock. I took the slide and scanned it into our computer and began to work on it again using Ulead. The result is what I'm calling "Man Alone".

I see a man walking hands in his pockets, he has his gray hooded sweatshirt pulled up over his head, he is looking down and is alone. Walk down any street in any town and you will see just such a man. Today the young, especially, embrace this look. I will sometimes see them as I come home from work wearing their "hoodie" and their faces so far tucked inside that you can't tell who they are. Of course this is today's dress and ten years from now it will be something else and these young men will move on not alone like the subject of my picture above.

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